Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Break

I did not even realize that last week was spring break - but I had already planned a get away! I was itching to get outta town, which takes planning with my husband and 9-5 job. However, we were able to take off to Tahoe on Thursday! My husband's family is blessed to have a very rustic cabin up there we could stay at.

I brought up a couple books, a magazine and cards. It was wonderful to be able to read without a time limit and to play cards with my guy.

It snowed over a foot while we were there, and it was so relaxing to be there and watch it.
We drove home on Easter morning, and were able to have a nice dinner with my in laws back home in San Jose. We had lamb and pie, Yum!

Spring break came just in time - I needed it!

I hope everyone else had a great break too!


  1. Your spring break sounded nice and relaxing. My boyfriend and I are going to Tahoe too! We leave early thursday afternoon :) I'm bringing cards and games to play also, should be fun. We are renting out a huge house and spending the weekend just chilling and maybe going out to a nice dinner one night and getting massages. Can't wait for that part!

  2. Tahoe sound so nice to get away to for spring break!! I was going to try and go up there but all my plans fell threw :( I hope your vacation was a nice escape from school. In Tahoe did you stay on North shore or South shore??? My family was always big on taking two Tahoe trips a year when I was little. One during the snow and the other on 4th of July. I hope I get to go up there soon!!
